Jay Dickson



Dickson, J. L., B. L. Ehlmann, L. Kerber and C. I. Fassett (2024), The Global Context Camera (CTX) Mosaic of Mars: A Product of Information-Preserving Image Data Processing, Earth & Space Science, 11 (7), 10.1029/2024EA003555.

Dickson, J. L., A. M. Palumbo, J. W. Head, L. Kerber, C. I. Fassett and M. A. Kreslavsky (2023), Gullies on Mars could have formed by melting of water ice during periods of high obliquity, Science, 380, 6652, doi: 10.1126/science.abk2464.

Dickson, J. L., M. P. Lamb, R. M. E. Williams, A. T. Hayden and W. W. Fischer (2021), The Global Distribution of Depositional Rivers on Early Mars, Geology, 49, 5.

Dickson, J. L., J. W. Head, J. S. Levy, G. A. Morgan, and D. R. Marchant (2017), Gully formation in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica: multiple sources of water, temporal sequence and relative importance in gully erosion and deposition processes, Geological Society of London Special Publications, 467, doi: 10.1144/SP467.4.

Dickson, J. L., J. W. Head, T. A. Goudge and L. Barbieri (2015), Recent climate cycles on Mars: Stratigraphic relationships between multiple generations of gullies and the latitude dependent mantle, Icarus, 252, 83-94.

Dickson, J. L., J. S. Levy, and J. W. Head (2014), Time-Lapse Imaging in Polar Environments, Eos Transactions, 95, 417-418.

Dickson, J. L., J. W. Head, J. S. Levy, and D. R. Marchant (2013), Don Juan Pond, Antarctica: Near-surface CaCl2-brine feeding Earth's most saline lake and implications for Mars, Nature Scientific Reports, 3, doi: 10.1038/srep01166.

Dickson, J. L., J. W. Head, and C. I. Fassett (2012), Patterns of accumulation and flow of ice in the mid-latitudes of Mars during the Amazonian, Icarus, 219, 723-732.

Dickson, J. L., J. W. Head, and D. R. Marchant (2010), Kilometer-thick ice accumulation and glaciation in the northern mid-latitudes of Mars: Evidence for crater-filling events in the Late Amazonian at the Phlegra Montes, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 294, 332-342.

Dickson, J. L., and J. W. Head (2009), The formation and evolution of youthful gullies on Mars: Gullies as the late-stage phase of Mars' most recent ice age, Icarus, 204, 63-86.

Dickson, J. L., C. I. Fassett, and J. W. Head (2009), Amazonian-aged fluvial valley systems in a climatic microenvironment on Mars: Melting of ice deposits on the interior of Lyot Crater, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L08201.

Dickson, J. L., J. W. Head, and D. R. Marchant (2008), Late Amazonian glaciation at the dichotomy boundary on Mars: Evidence for glacial thickness maxima and multiple glacial phases, Geology, 36, 411-414.

Dickson, J. L., J. W. Head, and M. A. Kreslavsky (2007), Martian gullies in the southern mid-latitudes of Mars: Evidence for climate-controlled formation of young fluvial features based upon local and global topography, Icarus, 188, 315-323.

Dickson, J. L., and J. W. Head (2006), Evidence for an Hesperian-aged south circum-polar lake margin environment on Mars, Planet. Space Sci., 54, 251-272.



Deutsch, A.N., J.S. Levy, J.L. Dickson, and J.W. Head (2022), Daily and seasonal processes shape hydrological activity and detectability of moisture in Antarctic, Mars-analog soils, Icarus, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2022.114990

Sun, Z., T. P. Ulizio, J. N. Fischer, J. N. Levin, A. R. Beer, J. L. Dickson and M. P. Lamb (2022), Formation of low-gradient bedrock chutes by dry rockfall on planetary surfaces, Geology, 50 (2), 174-178, doi:10.1130/G49286.1

Levin, J. N., J. L. Dickson and M. P. Lamb (2022), Evaluating the role of volatiles in bedrock chute formation on the moon and mars, Icarus, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2021.114774

Bar-Cohen, Y., and K. Zacny (eds.) (2001), Advances in Extraterrestrial Drilling: Ground, Ice, and Underwater, CRC Press, ISBN 9780367653477.

Rapin, W., G. Dromart, D. Rubin, L. Le Deit, N. Mangold, L.A. Edgar, O. Gasnault, K. Herkenhoff, S. Le Mouelic, R.B. Anderson, S. Maurice, V. Fox, B.L. Ehlmann, J.L. Dickson and R.C. Weins (2021), Alternating wet and dry depositional environments recorded in the stratigraphy of Mount Sharp at Gale crater, Mars, Geology, doi:10.1130/G48519.1

Winsor, K., K.M. Swanger, E.L. Babcock, J.L. Dickson, R.D. Valletta, and D.F. Schmidt (2020), Origin, structure and geochemistry of a rock glacier near Don Juan Pond, Wright Valley, Antarctica, Antarctic Science, 32(4), 273-287.

Kerber, L., J. L. Dickson, J. W. Head and E. B. Grosfils (2017), Polygonal ridge networks on Mars: Diversity of morphologies and the special case of the Eastern Medusae Fossae Formation, Icarus, 281, 200-219.

Gough, R. V., J. Wong, J. L. Dickson, J. S. Levy, J. W. Head, D. R. Marchant and M. A. Tolbert (2017), Brine formation via deliquescence by salts found near Don Juan Pond, Antarctica: Laboratory experiments and field observational results, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 476, 189-198.

Ivanov, M. A., A. M. Abdrakhimov, A. T. Basilevsky, J. L. Dickson, J. W. Head, L. Cheek, J. Whitten, M. T. Zuber, D. E. Smith, E. Mazarico, C. D. Neish, D. B. J. Bussey (2014), Geological Context of Potential Landing Site of the Luna-Glob Mission, Solar System Research, 48, 423-435. (Paper originally published in russian)

Madeleine, J. -B., J. W. Head, F. Forget, T. Navarro, E. Millour, A. Spiga, A. Colaitis, A. Maattanen, F. Montmessin, J. L. Dickson (2014), Recent Ice Ages on Mars: The role of radiatively active clouds and cloud microphysics, Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 4873-4879.

Fassett, C. I., J. S. Levy, J. L. Dickson, and J. W. Head (2014), An extended period of episodic northern mid-latitude glaciation on Mars during the Middle to Late Amazonian: Implications for long-term obliquity history, Geology, 42, 763-766.

Levy, J. S., A. G. Fountain, J. L. Dickson, J. W. Head, M. Okal, D. R. Marchant and J. Watters (2013), Accelerated thermokarst formation in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, Nature Scientific Reports, 3, doi: 10.1038/srep02269.

Head, J., C. Chapman, R. Strom, C. Fassett, B. Denevi, D. Blewett, C. Ernst, T. Watters, S. Solomon, S. Murchie, L. Prockter, N. Chabot, J. Gillis-Davis, J. Whitten, T. Goudge, D. Hollibaugh-Baker, D. Hurwitz, L. Ostrach, Z. Xiao, W. Merline, L. Kerber, J. Dickson, J. Oberst, P. Byrne, C. Klimczak, L. Nittler (2011), Flood Volcanism in the Northern High Latitudes of Mercury Revealed by MESSENGER, Science, 333, 1853-1856.

Huffman, J., A. Forsberg, A. Loomis, J.Head, J. Dickson and C. Fassett (2011), Integrating advanced visualization technology into the planetary Geoscience workflow, Planet. Space Sci., 59, 1273-1279.

Fassett, C. I., J. L. Dickson, J. W. Head, J. S. Levy, and D. R. Marchant (2010), Supraglacial and proglacial valleys on Amazonian Mars, Icarus, 208, 86-100.

Levy, J. S., J. W. Head, J. L. Dickson, C. I. Fassett, G. A. Morgan, and S. C. Schon (2010), Identification of gully debris flow deposits in Protonilus Mensae, Mars: Characterization of a water-bearing, energetic gully-forming process, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 294, 368-377.

Head, J. W., D. R. Marchant, J. L. Dickson, A. Kress, and D. M. Baker (2010), Northern mid-latitude glaciation in the Late Amazonian period of Mars: Criteria for the recognition of debris-covered glacier and valley glacier landsystem deposits, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 294, 306-320.

Head, J. W., S. L. Murchie, L. M. Prockter, S. C. Solomon, R. G. Strom, C. R. Chapman, T. R. Watters, D. T. Blewett, J. J. Gillis-Davis, C. I. Fassett, J. L. Dickson, D. M. Hurwitz, and L. R. Ostrach (2009), Evidence for intrusive activity on Mercury from the first MESSENGER flyby, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 285, 251-262.

Fassett, C. I., J. W. Head, D. T. Blewett, C. R. Chapman, J. L. Dickson, S. L. Murchie, S. C. Solomon, and T. R. Watters (2009), Caloris impact basin: Exterior geomorphology, stratigraphy, morphometry, radial sculpture, and smooth plains deposits, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 285, 297-308.

Head, J. W., S. L. Murchie, L. M. Prockter, S. C. Solomon, C. R. Chapman, R. G. Strom, T. R. Watters, D. T. Blewett, J. J. Gillis-Davis, C. I. Fassett, J. L. Dickson, G. A. Morgan, and L. Kerber (2009), Volcanism on Mercury: Evidence from the first MESSENGER flyby for extrusive and explosive activity and the volcanic origin of plains, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 285, 227-242.

Levy, J., J. W. Head, D. R. Marchant, J. L. Dickson, and G. A. Morgan (2009), Geologically recent gully-polygon relationships on Mars: Insights from the Antarctic dry valleys on the roles of permafrost, microclimates and water sources for surface flow, Icarus, 201, 113-126.

Head, J. W., L. Wilson, J. L. Dickson, G. Neukum, and the HRSC Co-Investigator Team (2006), The Huygens-Hellas giant dike system on Mars: Implications for Late Noachian-Early Hesperian volcanic resurfacing and climatic evolution, Geology, 34, 285-288.